About Us

SHAWN D. DELIFUS FOUNDATION is a multidisciplinary swim program that promotes education, character, and the development of life skills through innovative and non-traditional training techniques in underserved communities.

Swim Lessons 101:
Senior, Adult and Children Exercise:
Strength and Aerobic Classes:
Water Safety Training:

Shawn DeAngelo Delifus was the CEO of the Stroke Dr. International where he developed swim techniques and concepts that catapulted three of his swimmers
to the 2016 swimming trials (male and female), two of his students passed the trials and went on to the Rio Olympics where they collectively earned five gold
medals. Shawn was the youngest and only African American coach in our US history to simultaneously coach two winning gold medalists, unfortunately his lack of years as a coach disqualified him to be inducted into the coach’s hall of
fame in Ft. Lauderdale Florida.

The Shawn D Delifus Foundation is dedicated to bringing the sport of swimming into the lives of children and providing them with opportunities for personal growth and development.
Through the hard-work and dedication of our Site Coordinators, the Shawn D Delifus Foundation is able to introduce hundreds of children and Seniors each year to the life saving skill of swimming, water safety, nutrition, wellness, life lessons, and more.
What Parents Say…
“Our daughter really wanted to swim. We checked into it and quite simply felt it was cost-prohibitive. Through The Shawn D Delifus Foundation, a scholarship program was made available to us. She was able to train starting at age 8 months old. Looking back we credit the Foundation for a ton of her character and life skill development..” — Parents of a SDDF Summer Swim School graduate.

Board Of Directors

Joyce Delifus

Vice President
Daniel Delifus

2nd Vice President
Camilla collins

Mary DeJarnette

Training Officer
George Ibanez
Shawn D. Delifus Foundation Covid-19 Response:
Shawn D. Delifus Foundation board membership has implemented a strict protocol iaw CDC guidelines to protect our children and families, we’ve placed strict control measures and guidance as it pertains to possible exposures by the mandatory wearing of PPP; face shields, facemask, and social distancing in and out of pools, porous and non-porous surfaces are properly sanitized while keeping in mind “covid-19 life cycle” on some surfaces, and in an effort to reduce the risk and spread of the manifesting virus. We remain vigilant and committed to our mission its objectives of preserving lives via our multidisciplinary programs, we ask you to consider joining us by donating a tax deductible in-kind- donation, this will assist us with our many programs as outlined; sponsoring Swimming lessons, Lifeguard Certification, leadership and Character Building, Nutrition classes, Exercise , Covid-19 response training, Family Counseling, CPR and other life saving skill building activities to fortify young people in underserved communities.